Your Revelation determines your action in every situation

“Once you stop building your identity on what people say about you (COMMENDATION or CONDEMNATION), you are truly free in Christ ”
*SK Fianko-Larbi*

“Build bridges in life so you wouldn’t have to jump the rivers of life”
*Otoo Nii Addey Jeffery*

“It doesn’t really matter what the environment calls you if you truly know your source or identity. You are a unique handwork of the creator. You are the apple of his eye. Arise and Shine and keep moving forward”
*Otoo Nii Addey Jeffery*

“Never trade in your authenticity for approval for what you believe in is what you will attract.”
*Otoo Nii Addey Jeffery*

“The first step in making your dreams become a reality is in its documentation and not its implementation.”
*Pulse Of Wisdom*

“The most effective way of dealing with change in life is to expect it…”
*Pulse Of Wisdom*

Jim Rohn in his statement said that
” Let others lead small lives but not you. Let others argue over small things but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else’s hands, but not you. ”

This implies that you are who you choose to be. Therefore choose to be happy, choose to live right now and after. keep moving forward ➡
Yes you can!!!

Numbers 13:33
“There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers #in *our own sight*, and *so we were in their sight*.”

NB: The Giants never called them grasshoppers, they rather saw themselves as grasshoppers and when a step further to even act like grasshoppers

*”Your Revelation determines your action in every situation”*

“A godly relationship should not distract you from God; a godly relationship should bring you closer to Him.”
*Charles Mintah*

Do not quickly forget who you were before and where God picked you from and how far He has brought you… He did that to glorify his name and identify yourself as a vessel and humble yourself else pride and arrogance will set in which will cause you to quickly fade out ….
*NB: there is a thin line between ignorance and arrogance*

*Otoo Nii Addey Jeffery*

“Always have a heart of gratitude; it is a way of telling the supplier that you are indeed interested in his goods.”
*Otoo Nii Addey Jeffery*

“Fear is a false reality that appears to be true. Live life above fear and keep moving forward.
However, just as you keep your heads up high in the clouds as an eagle, also keep your feet on the ground like a lion and say to yourself , I will make it for with God all things are possible.”

*Otoo Nii Addey Jeffery*

1 Comment

  • “The first step in making your dreams become a reality is in its documentation and not its implementation.”
    This is so so true.

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