Why the Church of Pentecost would keep feeding other churches with their instrumentalists

Commonly seen these days in our church is our instrumentalists leaving the church to others churches in search of “greener pastures”. These instrumentalists are normally said to leave to the other churches in search of money as they are termed “Shabo” boys. But my question is, is this actually the case?

What I have observed in the church of Pentecost is the continual disregard of the music industry. My church just refuses to invest in its musical industry. They build large buildings called church and do not do any effort to equip these buildings with the needed sound to complement the size of their buildings. They further go ahead to call these buildings auditorium. For real? “AUDITORIUM”. Where is the “AUDIO” that complements the word auditorium.

What our leaders fail to see is that, music is an art and all those who love music and are musically inclined need a platform where they can have the needed equipment to continuously learn and improve their art whiles worshipping and serving God. So, in the wake of our leader’s inability to provide the needed support to help these young ones excel at what they do, what is the expected result?

It is very true that we must all strive to do God’s work wherever we are. But there is a school of thought in my church that suggest that any instrumentalist that tries to go where his or her art is respected and valued isn’t doing God’s work. But come to think of it are they trying to say the other churches who value music and equip their auditoriums well do these at the expenses of God’s work or they do not worship or do God’s work there?

I want our leaders to note this for a fact. Music is an art and it’s a God given talent and those who are blessed with it and are musically inclined would always seek to improve what they have, to show appreciation to God. Therefore, if our leaders do not deem it fit to equip their auditoriums with the right instruments to complement the auditoriums and also help instrumentalists worship God in the way they were made to, the church would continuously feed other churches with their instrumentalists.



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