Mankind for the many years have had this ability which causes him to effectively combine contradictory features just like two sides of a coin.
We as humans will never know peace if we lack knowledge about how the average human being acts or reacts towards issues.
We mostly take decisions based on feelings and facts and less of truth. A good or bad news is responded or appreciated base on the recipient’s affiliation to the bearer of the news and we destroy good trees to build inanimate objects. The average man always want to see everything good being in his possession and would gladly feel comfortable seeing his brother suffer. This paradox of our time is made more clearer when we demonize people and yet portray to be saddened at their funeral.
Although this paradox is what makes us humans. We the young ones should however realize that we could effectively channel this energies which runs through our veins into understanding the positive philosophy behind this paradox ; that there is unity in diversity.
It sounds so weird when you are forced by peers and society to go by a particular pattern which is perceived to be order of the day.However , i am not challenging the good paths created by our fore-runners.

There is a spark of greatness within the heart of every man making him or her unique but we will make an everlasting furnace out of issues if we do not effectively understand the positive aspect of this paradox, for the Creator has in default made his creations interdependent. There is a saying in Africa which throws more light to this paradox which says : “the one who shows you kindness will be the same to be mean or cruel”
We will never have peace among ourselves as people with equally great potentials if we do not systematically assimilate the paradox man.
I always say that : ” Learn to build bridges in life so you wouldn’t necessarily have to jump the rivers of life”

If that does not happen we will lack the understanding of the positive energy within the paradox of man which shows that there is unity in diversity.


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