The parable of the talents has either been hammered the futuristic way or understood by believers in the lesser making void its present wisdom in the body. This error has led to the exaltation of one part of the body over the other creating unnecessary tension within the body, for we were baptized by the Holy Spirit into one body which is Christ when we first accepted him as Lord and savior.
If the one who makes the seed grow is Christ, why fight over Paul and Apollos (1Corin 3:5-11). If the commissioner is Christ, why fight over the commissioned persons and the designated tools given them to effective the commission? For there is only commission which says “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you” (Matt 28:18-20).

Since the commissioner is also the baptizer of the commissioned into the Holy Spirit ( (Luke 3:16) which also comes with diverse gifts of power but under the same authority (1Corin 12), like the servant who kept is talent in the ground, we may be led to forget the phrase in the verse which says “and he gave to them according to their ability”(Matt 25:15). If the basic numbers ranges from 0 to 9 , then 10 is the same as 0 just that it’s on the higher plain of its ability and 11 is the same as 1 also within its ability on the second plain. Therefore there is no need to fight one another for it took five additional talents same as two to hear the words “good and faithful servant”.

The parable of the talents will effectively be understood when we dissect its knowledge under the lens of Christ for with Him only is the fountain of light and it’s within his light we see light (Psalms 36:9). Every part of the body isn’t suppose to look superior another but to complement the other; at the center of its all is Christ we see. If unity in diversity is the blueprint of the Godhead,then, then I think it’s the fuel to possess the nations as a glorious church.


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