The Most Humane way to kill a spider is to freeze it

Google offers employees free condoms that come in blue, red, green, and yellow and have the phrase “I’m Feeling Lucky!” printed on them.

“Most men don’t know that they are not the father of their first child.” – Lagos DNA Expert.

Regardless of sex, social status, intellect, and parental influences, kids that watch violent TV or movies display more violence later in life.

The longest human poop ever recorded was 26 feet.

Nigerian parents in Abuja are paying extra fees for their children to be taught how to speak with a British accent.

There was a pothole exhibition in Uganda in 2010 named the Kampala Pothole Expo, which was organized in search of “the best pothole in Uganda.” The conveners came up with this idea to make the authorities fix the roads out of shame.

Mrs. Toyin Okakunmi was the first female African Chartered Accountant.

The most humane way to kill a spider is to trap it, put it in the freezer overnight, pour rubbing alcohol on it, then flush it.

The most humane way to kill a spider is to trap it, put it in the freezer overnight, pour rubbing alcohol on it, then flush it.

The world’s quietest room is so quiet it can give you hallucinations. No one has been able to stay in the room longer than 45 minutes.

When studying something new, teach a friend about it. Let them ask questions. If you can teach something well, then you understand it well.

Crows are able to remember the faces of people who harassed and abused them — They invite other crows to join them to take revenge.

Queen Elizabeth uses her handbag to send secret signals to her staff when she needs help getting out of a conversation with someone.

Hakuna Matata is a Swahili phrase that literally translates to “There are no worries.”


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