Stage Disaster Management


When a song being ministered is going wrong….
1. Don’t let the audience know that the song is not going well.
It shows when your facial expressions change.
Also shows when you start exchanging fishy looks at each other.
It also shows when your smile disappears and your loud cheers “Yeeeeeeeaaahh” stop coming.
It also shows when you don’t come in as a choir at the right time you are to come in.
2. BVs come in at the right time with all your energy when you are supposed to.
The audience wont realize the mistake and consider it our own style.
3. Keep the smiles, or the “in the spirit” look throughout the ministration.
4. Keep the encouraging “Yeaaaaaaaahsss” coming and keep cheering up the leader.
5. Pray with the song leader to quickly recover.
6. Band be spontaneous and cover up the spaces.
7. Conductor be alert and quick to decide the next line of action and communicate to the entire team.

8. If you realized you have forgotten your lines as a leader, Improvise and do it with confidence.

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