Pregnant women can urinate in a policeman’s helmet in England

The first soldier in British service to fire a shot in the First World War was a Ghanaian by name Alhaji Grunshi 

About 9.7 million soldiers died in WWI

Ghana is the second largest gold producer in Africa and the 10th in the world. Ghana will unveil its first, Ghana   Standard Authority certified gold bar soon

Over 90% of banking fraud in Ghana is masterminded by employees of the banks. 

Bank of Ghana has said.

The day after tomorrow is called “Overmorrow.”

Giraffes make no sounds. They can, they just choose not to.

When united Airlines broke a man’s $4500 guitar and refused to pay for it in 2009, he wrote a protest song. Over the next 4 weeks, United’s stock price fell 10%, costing stockholders $180 million.

Viagra was developed to relieve chest pain. Its side effect was accidental.

Giving birth is the second most painful thing a human can experience – The first is being burned alive.

In England, you may urinate anywhere in public, including inside a policeman’s helmet if you are pregnant.

Soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo gave his agent a Greek island as a wedding present.

If you browse the web while logged into your Facebook account, then Facebook will track and record almost everything you do online.

Africa’s first Canopy Walkway on the sea is in Tema, Ghana.

Eritrea’s President, Isaias Afwerki is the only President in Africa that can be seen walking around in urban centres without security.

Sleeping naked is actually very healthy for you

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