Our Praise and Worship

  • *Praise and Worship is the heartbeat of the church*

1. Praise and Worshippers must be have a relationship with God.

2. A praise worshipper must be born again.

3. A praise and worshipper must be a prayerful person.

4: A Praise and worshipper must live an exemplary life in society.

5. A Praise and worshipper must know the word of God.

6. A Praise and worshipper must be a regular and a consistent tither.

7. A Praise and worshipper must be able to Fast and Pray

8. A Praise and worshipper must be know what song to sing where and when

9. A Praise and worshipper must be able to read the situation in church and quickly adapt.

10. A Praise and worshipper must dress properly, cleavages and mini skirts or body hugging clothes are not encouraged.

11. The head of the Praise team must Liase with the preacher and media Team always . What songs to be sung inline or in tandem with the preaching or theme. The Media Team must be able to write the lyrics and flight on the overhead project in every service before service.

12. Praise and Worshippers must have note books to write what the preacher is saying and not to be taking

13. A praise and Worshipper must be a smart person .
The hair must not look like a mop. Shoes must be same colour in advanced teams – the same.

14. The breath of the singer must not disturb the next person . Brush your tongue and teeth.

15. Uniforms that expose shoulders, armpits never be allowed.

16. Armpits must be clean shaven

17 . A deodorant is important.

18. The days’ song list must be known and the lead singers of the day know.

19. Do not fight for microphones 🎤
in front of the congregation / Pastor.

20. The visionary of the ministry must know his team (!Praise and Worship )

21. The visionary or Pastor must have all nights or camping with the Praise and Worship team.

22. The Visionary or Pastor must know each Praise and Worship member . Tithing status , behavior after church . Some abort during the week and sing on Sunday. Some family fight in the neighborhood and sing on Sundays, Some show bad behavior in the community and are seen on stage on Sunday ( this will discourage the new believer

23. The Man or Woman of God must appoint a leader of the Praise and Worship after serious prayer . Some can be agents to destroy the church

24. Praise and Worshippers must be humble and show dignity

25 . Some erotic and secular dances must be avoided.

26. Praise and Worship must practice and rehearse before Sunday.

27. Praise and Worship is the heartbeat of the church . Uniforms must match with Deco on stage if changed weekly . The same must match with Ushering team ( Ushering rules almost apply with Praise and Worshippers)

28 . Praise and Worshippers work in conjunction with the intercession team . The two are complimentary every Sunday.

29. There must be Prayer and Fast Programmes for Praise and Worshippers, Ushers and Intercessors ( the three can make or break the church )

30. Those who play instruments must be born again . A certain day must be set aside for their deliverance. Hired instrument players must be avoided as the Ministry grows. Train your own sons and daughters

31. The Praise and Worship must be punctual

32. Wherever the Man and Woman of God is ministering the three (Ushers ,Worshippers and Intercession team must be there)

33. Praise and Worship team must know all the church Programmes and plan before hand

34. Lead singers must know when to Praise and when to Worship. When preaching is about to take place relevant songs that usher people into the presence of Elohim must be sung . No more jumping around but deep Worship.
The leadership of the Praise and Worship must know when preaching is about to start

35 . A practice register must be maintained. No Practice No Singing on Sunday or during a conference ( no matter how good you are .
Do not be proud like Lucifer 🎤🎤🎤




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