Oil was first discovered in Ghana in 1970

Before Bank of Ghana prints any Cedi, they acquire Gold with it’s equivalent value.

47% of the cocoa used to manufacture chocolate in Switzerland comes from Ghana

Ghana is 340 times bigger than Singapore in Land size. Singapore is 7 times richer than Ghana in terms of GDP.

The male brain is 10% bigger than the female’s but the female brain works more efficiently.

Your thumb is the same length as your nose.

Deja Reve – Experiencing something in reality that you’ve dreamed about in the past. A phenomenon similar to Deja Vu.

The middle finger originated in Ancient Greece as a symbol for anal intercourse.

A study found that a woman is far more likely to give a stranger her phone number if he is holding a guitar.

A bit of toothpaste can successfully fix a scratched cell phone screen.

It took 73 years to find the wreck of the Titanic.

The 1955 Ethiopian Constitution specified Emperor Haile Selassie’s direct descent from King Solomon of Israel & Queen of Sheba via Menelik I

Professor Victor A. Oyenuga was the first Black African Professor of Agriculture.

Lucky Dube was named ‘Lucky’ by his mother because she considered his birth fortunate after a number of failed pregnancies.

Former Zimbabwe’s First Lady, Grace Mugabe only wears designer shoes

According to the UN, $1 trillion is paid in bribes annually & an est. $2.6 trillion is stolen through corruption

When Christopher Columbus needed a place to store his loot, he went to the Banco di San Giorgio in Genoa, Italy—the first bank ever.

A person needs just three things to be truly happy in the world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.

All married couples tend to fight over the same five things: money, sex, work, parenting and housework.

The French verb “vesser” specifically means “to let out a silent fart.”

Oil was first discovered in Ghana in 1970 by US firm AgriPetco off the coast of Saltpond but Reserves were not in commercial quantities

Men and women see the world differently; women are better at distinguishing color, while men are better at tracking fast-moving objects.

Grace Mugabe took the shortest time to bag a Ph.D in the world (2 months). She was given a Doctorate in Sociology by University of Zimbabwe Chancellor, Robert Mugabe only two months after registering for the course at the university.


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