The doctrines of Jezebel has found its way in the hearts of the Shepherds causing them to live in the realms of the dead; igniting men of delusional methodology of manipulating godly principles of the King.

O! how I wish Philip meets the Ethiopian Eunuch once again to enlighten the eyes of his understanding to the Truth. How I wish Martin Luther hammers the weaken nails holding the document containing his 95 thesis to the church door once again to save us from the doctrine of men.

O! that we may contend for the faith that was handed down to us by faithful men who were skinned and fried alive; men who were butchered and set ablaze as torches in grand arenas full of drunkards and naked women, and many others whose names were not captured in history but whose blood the earth drunk as a testament of their defense of the Truth.

However, I know that the author and sustainer of the first manuscript which holds the elements of nature in harmony will come to put things in order. I trust Him to come soon.


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