My Nashnal Diaries: Episode 8

Hi Mr Turkson, the dining hall master, was also called Tontofu. You could find him everywhere driving his new Alpha Romeo saloon car. He was always present at the dining hall. All the teachers had second names, Mr Pentil was also called Tony Tony. Most students had their nick names more popular than their biological names. I was beginning to learn the new jargons and the parlance on campus as a fresher.
Mr C.K wirriamson was the most popular and loved by the students . He was the best Senior House Master of all times. People loved him undoubtedly for two(2) reasons; His hard work always REFLECTED on his shinning baldhead and he was always turning student’s into OCDs. Haha, give Mr C.K a word like PARALLELOGRAM and you will know the world is coming to an end. Students always knew the only word he, Mr Willaimson, could pronounce CORRECTLY and that’s his name: C.K. WIRRIAMSOM. THE school had several terms; l thought Santiago was an accounting term but later found out It meant a “Business Teacher”. Kortilai is the headmistress and  Kunfu Man meant a teacher fighting students and always flexing his muscles. American Man is the teacher struggling with students over a pot of soup, call him American Man and he will be your friend. The school had a lot of terms and when it comes to food you will hear terms like Rokpokpo meaning eating Gari sockings with ony sugar, MiloMash was mashed kenkey with milo, Vulture meat or petenam was the meat served at the dining hall. Di-Nat (Di na tà) is an unbranded milk powder and it always goes with shi3mima biscuit. Garshit is gari and shito, Home Tso is when you get food prepared from home. Tin was the term meant for any canned product. Tsoolover is the one who loves food. Dining vulture is the one who scrambles for food at the dininig hall. The toilet is called Otee, through the holes is when you stand in the corridor and urinate. Aprodo is not sleeping on your bed. Boho means kneel down, disco wedding is weeding at night, Tapping is having a chat with the opposite sex and the tapping centre is the grounds between the girls dormitory and the administration.ntw3boa or homodwan is a fresher. Well what terms have l left out, LET IT FLOW OUT.


  • Through the holes….I love it very much. When you wake up half sleeping and walking , the moment when you put your (manstick) in the between the holes of the design blocks with the fresh air blowing on it from the Nkanfoaa forest, aaahh that is life at it best.

  • lol lol lol …. through the holes is one of the most exhilarating experiences. I can’t really explain how it feels to piss from the 2nd floor veranda down to the ground.
    There was always the risk of baptising an unsuspecting passerby on the ground….but hey…all die be die.

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