My Nashnal Diaries Episode 7

The best place to be was the Kwasi plange noble house. Grooming gentlemen was the hallmark. Being a young Plangerian was the best thing for most of us, especially myself. We had boys named as YaaYaa, Odarley and the Famous Ayele Blankson, may his soul Rest in Peace.

J.J Mensah Kane was not close to us, as well as Siwdu Mccarthy was no match for us the Plangerians. The Afedu guys profess themselves as the Royal Gentlemen but in practice Aprodo, Antepe, Shit-n-trow, Thuglife and the rest as their banner. So by default, all the good and nice guys must find their way to land in Kwasi Plange.

Senior Aaron and Senior Aponche were our house prefects and we loved them. I, for one didn’t have a school father; not because l was dirty, wretched and didn’t know my whereabout in school. Adomako and Black Santino adopted me later as their school son. My siblings became David and Bob marley, Taylor and Mac-Tonto. We lived as a family.

Fridays were for Grounds work and it was fun. We put on our Green JAMKEY house jerseys, the beautiful girls from Charlotte Bart-plange were also always around us to parttake in the Grounds work. Our jobs went from weeding the masters flat to cleaning the gutters behind the kitchen and that of the dinning hall.

Dave and Bob marley joined the school fire cadet. Dave was pissed with one coloured face girl who was always ordering people around. Bob Marley was still in the cadet minding his own business, as for me, we will talk about in the next episode.

The food in my chopbox was always inadequate. Being in form 1, taught me the meaning of Small Small. It was a phenomenon where you could count the number of nails in the ceiling, in the quest to sleep but with no idea how you could because of Hunger, thus Nkitnkiti.

Black Santino, my school father one night realized how devastated l was and cooked some spaghetti with gari and some Tin, oh he became my messiah that night. Haha, am not refering to senior KoKo messiah oooo but rather Black Santino. Till today, my spaghetti, noodles, pasta is never delicious without me blessing it with Gari on it. Whenever l buy indomie by the road side, l go home and BLESS it with gari.


  • The house of gentlemen ….reading your diary and listening to The Script at the same time. The combination of being able to go back there because of the few memories of words is making me so high and happy I just can’t describe it. Thank you Danso. K. PLANGE was and is the best house of Ghana National College

  • Interesting Elvis. I know you joined the school choir because of one lady. Waiting for the next episode if that will come up. Great recollections

    • Sly, I joined the school Choir Because I wanted to sing. I am not sure of the lady in question but I hope to bring up the details in one of the episodes coming up. For the lady with the coloured face I can mention the name if I am allowed.

  • Hahahahaha ……Small Small … lol. If you haven’t experienced this facinating aspect of the human condition, then you haven’t lived.
    Only when you starved close to death through the night, do you appreciate the sweet sweet taste of dinning hall chow!
    Any great post. Well done.

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