My Nashnal Diaries Episode 6

Ghana National College was fast becoming a nice home for me as a freshman. I was gradually adjusting myself to live the school and everything that came with it. There was hardly an uneventful day. Every other day had its own story to tell. This day was quite a good one and I was in a happy mood till evening. Class was interesting because of the new maths teacher he called himself MAN-MOR-CHILL. He added lots of fun to the study. To the Head Die people like me it became a sense of belonging and a place to get our heads back up again at learning Mathematics. My happy mood was cut short when I saw a very short form 3 boy (midget) and mistakenly called him Senior Small Boy. The rage on this guys face was nothing I could describe. This guy was overly furious. All he said was “chop my back”. I obliged and followed him like a sheep being led to the slaughter house. Got to his corner boldly written there was Harlem World. I just knew this is not going to be fun. So after I heard him say ‘Boho’ (kneel down) I just realised I was finished. I went on doing Adanko (Squatting up and down). He gave me a bucket. What was it for i asked. He wanted me to sweat till the bucket is full so he can have a shower with my sweat, what wickedness. Meanwhile, i kept asking myself what was my crime. I called a Senior a small boy. To him it was demeaning and I was looking down on him. That was a good life lesson I had from that day onward, Respect everyone equally and never undermine anyone whether Big or small, old or young. I later found out his name was twoo-pee-aa-cee, I was never to call him senior 2pac.
Just when I thought my day was all over and I lay in bed with my sore feet. I saw senior BUJU followed by a form one boy at light outs and when senior Buju shouts DABODABO the later response ‘kwaaaa’ how hilarious. I knew his name was Arhin-Brown but had everyone had obviously forgotten. Anytime I meet him I shout DABODABO expecting him to respond with Kwaaaa but he will have none of that, he later become Daboo or Senior Daboo, what a transformation.


    • My sister. That house and in fact that corner was crazy.
      Someone was once punished to go and bath with a bar or soap and not return until that bar of soap was finished. Hahahaha

  • This has definitely put a smile on my face. I remember that night clearly when Daboo was being tormented by senior BuJu.
    However, I dont remember what I was doing then.
    It’s ironic how I remember what happened to others better than I remember what happened to me.
    Maybe my subconscious wants to bury those memories as deeply and as far back as possible.
    Those days were the days that madr us.
    K Plange 4 eva!!

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