My Nashnal Diaries Episode 5

Prep times were the best but most annoying. Great time to have uninterrupted sleep in the name of learning for a good 3 solid hours. Occasionally you would have some prefects coming to the various classrooms to clamp down on the sleeping Commandos like me. Much often than not, my eyes always gave me away when in fact I should be learning.
My already tired body will absorb the night breeze and accomodate it into a good night sleep but the Prep prefect will always have none of those. I hope by now He is the Minister of Education. A memorable encounter at prep during my first year was that SENIOR BARNABAS. Senior Barnabas was I think Siwdu’s House prefect and all he needed on this prep night was for us to easily recite the “Barnabas principle”. Oh this senior paa. SENIOR BARNABAS PRINCIPLE STATES THAT WHEN A SHOW COMMITS AN OFFENCE, HE OR SHE IS SUBJECT TO THE SANHEDRIN AND FACE THE CONSEQUENCES THEREOF.
I didn’t understand certain things at prep and I always got myself asking questions like Why is it almost compulsory to have seniors and Sometimes my form one colleagues stand at the tapping centre before and after prep. Why can’t we learn together with the girls, what really happens at the BLue block at night and why is that place so scary. As for the Tapping Centre di3r I have to dedicate a whole episode for it. Prep time was another time some seniors like “NATTY BONGO” will come out to seek for respect. Their joy really lies in form one boys rising up to greet them and mentioning their names out loud. Woe to you if you disobey this simple rule. I am always tired of them and their vainglorious activities. “When I ask you what’s my name you say Natty Bongo what’s my name?”


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