My Nashnal Diaries (Episode 3)

Jogging from Nashnal to Aggrey in my pyjamas and my white “katamanto” canvass barely trying to keep my eyes open since I was still sleepy. Making matters worse was the quite cold foggy weather. I was trotting behind STAGGA and senior Aponchè. However, this was compensated for with the lively ‘jamma’ songs. I was back to my happy self. I didn’t mind jogging in my pyjamas.
My smallish body couldn’t sing soprano so I was made to join the middle height guys and leave Atom and co to sing “Yesusa Yesusa” (We are smallish),
on my line we sang “yenyin nyin Ye nyin nyin” (we are grown ups)
Salty and boye had their group. They sang with deep bass
“Y3y3 abodie akenti kai Y3y3 Abodie”(we are Giant creatures). The harmony in the song alone was killing me.

Climbing up the hill back to GNC and heading to the girls side with ‘Angelina, Angelina the boys are coming‘ gave me some energy bi. It was a wonderful and unforgettable experience. Soon it was time for aerobics and body stretching at the forecourt of the boys dormitory. My tired self wanted some water and rest but these seniors will have none of that. Everyone was to mimic the way we came to school. All those whose dad had cars should drive in their imaginary car, those of us without should walk from Cape Coast to Accra. I was just wondering in my head when I was going to get to Accra. Out of the blue came Boye, “my dad has a motorcycle”,he said. Masa the guy was made to squat in pain from Cape Coast to Tamale. The funny part was when he was made to mimic how his dad swerved potholes.

As a form one boy staying a whole week at the Assembly hall listening to crap in the name of Orientation was not a big deal. J.K. Mensah was the one reminding us of the race ahead of us. Some will be far ahead as others stay lagging behind. The visit to the Cape Coast castle was another highlight of my form one orientation. Oh I didn’t tell you my first ever hug I received from the opposite sex, that was during the orientation and I didn’t want to have a shower after that. My body was doing me someway bi. I will talk about that later


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