My Nashnal diaries (Episode 2)

“Stagga” was very calm and nice to my mum when we got to KPlange. He even had a tip from my house dues. I was shocked when he wanted me to Boh). I wasn’t too unhappy because my friend Opare had told me a secret before leaving for the boarding house. He said, “all you need to do is to obey the seniors and they will be your friend”.
Earlier that day, I had met King Yellow, a guy who said he was also from ,Abossey Okai, my hood at that time.
Another thing to make my stay in Nashnal enjoyable.

It was punishment from punishment and constant bullying from unprovoked seniors. Soon it was evening and the dining hall was noisy I had not eaten from morning and my stomach kept growling. I was ready to devour the food served. I was unfortunate to be seated close to some 2 nice girls whose names I won’t mention for security read. They gave me the nastiest look of my life. My crime was how hungrily I pounded the rice and soup. In fact I hated them(secretly) for the rest of my 3yrs stay for thinking I am a CHO LOVER.

After the dining, a meeting was held with all the prefects in attendance. Kevin, the Headboy I think was begging us to give out the names of all the seniors who did bad things on campus including smoking and bullying to him. He promised to give all the food in his chop box to all those who did so. I actually thought it was a great offer. Little did I know that was called CHOOKING and was ‘distatable’ in the world of The boarding school. Notable that night was a lady whose gestures didn’t look too friendly. Cynthia Makpo a name I have never forgotten years after leaving school. She was a Yaa Asantewaa of a kind, arrogant, tough and somewhat brave.

Moving back to dormitory, I thought was going to end my day but was matched into the corner of the second floor corridor, it was a House meeting. Didn’t really remember what was said there but I was too tired to participate and that took us close to midnight. I went to sleep afterwards amidst the constant bullying from seniors. In my sleep i could hear someone shouting for ALL FORM ONE BOYS to get up for Jogging and morning exercise, it was Stagga and Senior “Aponchè”. It was close to 4am, I was still sleepy so I shut my eyes but the hard belt Whip at my back made me jump from the bed.
Boye made me enjoy the jogging do you know what he said his dad brought him to school with? Find out later


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