My first Day At A. O. 2 JHS

It was a sunny afternoon somewhere in 1996, a joyful day it was because we were now new to our school in higher anticipation.

After being seniors in a primary school it was time to be juniors in a new environment. 

Students desk was just a handful and most of the girls in the class sat on it. 

We talked about everything including expectations. 

Most of us weren’t too fluent in English.

Our tongue only mumbles a few words and turn the rest of a sentence into ‘Ga’.

I was coming back into the Junior High School Form 1 classroom where all 30-40 students had spent major part of the day standing and taking just talking. We weren’t tired because of the excitement in us for being in a high school.

I was behind this short gentleman in a long sleeve shirt and a we’ll iron trousers with a book and chalk in hand. Your wouldn’t need anyone to tell you he was a teacher. He was later introduced to us as Mr Owusu-Nyantekyi.

I overheard the big boys in class talking and one asking the other if this man is going to be one of the teachers to teach us in Junior High school. He replied in Ga “b3 m3 n3 ma ny3 ma yi l3” (I could easily beat this guy). I think the culprit was Kofi Afriyie.

Mr. Nyantakyi then became furious asking each one of the BIG BOYS at the back what Kofi said. They all denied (BRO CODE), and one by one they were lined up until Obuamah spill the beans. Everyone of them got punished but Obuamah was spared.

This was how Mr Owusu-Nyantakyi instilled the FEAR OF GOD in us.

Watch out for more…

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