Marks of a Gospel Song

1. It is CHRIST Centered:
The Message is focused on Christ Jesus, His love and the message of salvation

2. It does not draw attention to the SELF:
It doesn’t boast about possessions, achievements, riches etc but always draws our attention to the Lord Jesus ONLY.

3. It carries PROPER BIBLICAL Message and Word NOT “Jargons”:
The messages is centred on Grace, mercy, Love, holiness, righteousness, etc. Hardly will you see the use of the everyday Jargons and terms we use in our daily speeches for proper Gospel songs.

4. It does NOT project Satan:
It does not even make mention of devil and his demonic activities because the Devil has already been defeated on the Cross.

5. It Teaches, Rebukes, corrects, Trains us in righteousness, Guide, and encourages us

To All CHRISTIANS, Kindly examine the songs you listen to with this five parameters and determine whether it is a Gospel Song or not.

Thank You
© Robert Fobi ®

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