In Nigeria a snake was said to have swallowed missing N36m and now a monkey swallowed N70m.

  • In Nigeria, a ship loaded with oil went missing, a satellite disappeared into thin air, 10 dead people were appointed as Heads of Boards by the President, the National Budget was alleged to be missing, a snake was said to have swallowed missing N36m and now a monkey swallowed N70m.

Prof. Lawyer Atuguba’s Research.
Out of 22 judges NDC has appointed, 14 of them have ruled political cases in favor of the NDC.

Out of the 16 judges NPP has appointed, 14 of them have ruled political cases in favor of the NPP.

General Butt Naked, the former Liberian warlord who fought naked alongside his child soldiers is now a Pastor. He now goes by the name, Evangelist Joshua Blahyi.

For several years in the early 1900s, cars were banned on Prince Edward Island, Canada because they scared the horses.

Benjamin Franklin wanted to make the odor of farts smell good so that farting in public will become socially acceptable. Ben wanted flatulence to be “as agreeable as perfumes”.

It is illegal in China to be reincarnated without government approval.

A man once robbed a bank for $1 so he could be arrested and get free health care in the US.

Mount Everest is still growing.

A single strand of spaghetti is called spaghetto.

King Mswati III of Swaziland has more wives than any other African Head of State.

The word “okro” is derived from an Igbo word “okuru” or “okworo”,which refers to a shrub used to make a Southern USA delicacy “gumbo”.

“Tony Blair keep your England and let me keep my Zimbabwe.” – Robert Mugabe.

One of Idi Amin Dada’s speeches started with the words “Mr Queen, Sir, Horrible Ministers, invented guests, ladies under gentlemen.”

The first known form of birth control was crocodile faeces,used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C.


#Uneedsobolo Facts


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