How to sing in tune with a piano

How to sing in tune with a piano

• When you sing, visualize the keyboard. If you don’t know what key you are in, just think in C. Do these important things away from the practice room – don’t waste practice time.
• Whenever you see a chord symbol be aware that it implies a horizontal scale (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) and a
vertical chord (1, 3, 5, 7, 9,11,13, 1) most chords are built from every other note of the scale – but not all!
• A keyboard is very important for learning harmony and for hearing chord qualities. On a keyboard everything
is laid out simply for you. You can get an electric keyboard for under $100. They are very visual.
• Play “Mary Had A Little Lamb,” “Happy Birthday” and “Twinkle, Twinkle” in twelve keys to get the music from
your mind to your instrument.
• If you start or end a phrase on a chord tone (root, 3rd, or 5th) you can’t go wrong.
• Practice a scale for two minutes solid, fast 8th notes, until it becomes automatic. Close your eyes, too.
• I have the notion that people learn instruments as an exercise in patience – to get to know themselves.
• Moving downward by half steps is easy to do with your voice but more difficult on your instrument.
• If you THINK a lot about what you are doing, you will remember a lot.
• To learn a tune, memorize the changes one measure at a time. Play the scale for each chord then arpeggiate
each chord; next, improvise. Memorize, memorize, memorize!
• If you have a doubt about anything in music, find a piano and play it. Does it sound like what you hear on record?


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