1. Attend every rehearsal. Every rehearsal is important!

2. Always be on time, or preferably be early. There is not a good excuse for being late to every rehearsal!

3. Have a pencil ready to mark your music from the director’s instructions. Spell musical terms as correctly as possible. (Can you spell Crescendo?)

4. Limit your talking during the choir rehearsal. Directors know that you will talk a little, but discipline yourself to be courteous to your director. It is frustrating to have conversations going on while trying to rehearse!

5. Encourage your music director. A note or small gift can show your gratitude!

6. Let your music director know when you will be absent. You are important, and it helps in planning to know when members will be absent from a rehearsal or events.

7. Work to improve as a musician. Strive for excellence.

8. Attempt to blend your voice. It is amazing to hear every tone color (timbre) mixed well together.

9. Memorize Scriptures about music. Psalm 104:33 is great verse with which to start!

10. Pray for your leaders and music directorate daily. We all need the blessings of the Lord!


©️Copied from kwabena Ansong Jnr.

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