Are you an aspiring writer? Do you have any stories to tell? Do you have motivational messages, UneedSobolo or do you have some fun facts to share? Do you want to share you stories of the good old school days? Or are you just looking for somewhere to speak you mind freely?

Why not submit your own article here free of charge?

  • Choose a title that is reflective of the subject matter you want to post.
  • Write your article in the body section. Be sure to check your spelling as well as make sure it reads the way you intended.
  • Choose a category that best fits your article/post. Your post will then fall under that category in the articles section in the menu.
  • Upload a photo or image if you have one to go with your article/post. Make sure it’s something that is relevant to the topic. (Please observe copyright laws) If you don’t have your own image and want to use google, please make sure to filter for only images that are not copyright protected.
  • Be sure to add your name and contact so people know who they can thank for great posts.
  • Lastly, please make sure if you are writing about a real life experience, do not name people without their permission especially if you think they might not appreciate the fame or you are writing something that could portray them negatively.

“All good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere.” — Anne Lamott, author
“Good writing is clear thinking made visible.” — William Wheeler, journalist and author
“If you can’t explain something simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” — Albert Einstein, physicist

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