From Hero to Zero in a Day

Abossey Okai (A.O) was a cluster of schools and in the time, students run on morning and afternoon shifts meaning some come to school in the morning and others in the afternoon. 

I had settled in a B class. My teachers had all introduced their various subjects to us and we were trying to fit ourselves into Junior high school learning.

We had been divided in different colour sections, the whole school was grouped in 4 sections and I was proud to be in the GREEN Section. 

One Friday Mr Odame had indicated there was going to be a quiz later that day.

We were so excited but still skeptical because we didn’t have lots of Sharks (NERDS) in our Green section. 

Time was fast approaching and Red, Yellow and Blue had their teams ready all made up of second and third year students.

Muniru a form 2 Senior in our section had heard that I was the top of my class in the science test organised by Mr Owusu Nyantakyi earlier this week so he just came to drag me to go represent the green section to pair with a form 3 guy I didn’t even know.

I wasn’t afraid but was wondering how I could fare among my seniors who obviously knew much more than I did. 

The quiz began and I was registering my presence answering all the difficult questions the other candidates couldn’t answer and receiving applause and cheering from the whole school. 

I easily knew the answers to all the current affairs questions. The minister of education, Harry Sawyer, Minster of defence Kofi Totobi Quachi, foreign affairs Philip Gbeho, employment and social welfare Austin Gamey etc.

I listened to the news everyday. I knew them off head and I was reading at that time unlike today, lol.

Alas, the green section were the winners and I was the hero of the day.

Our celebration was short lived because The green section was last in Cleaning, well dress and general comportment. 

Section Red were the ultimate winners and that was how we rose from hero to zero in just one day.

More to come…..

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