The influence of women in this cosmos is so serious, strategic and undeniable. No wonder after years of marriage Apostle Peter through the wisdom of scripture reminds husbands to live with their wives according to knowledge, giving honor to the woman, as to the weaker vessel, as being also joint heirs of the grace of life; that their prayers may not be hindered. It’s our definition of ‘weaker vessels’ which blinds us to this enormous strength and power hidden in this being called woman.

From Eden to Calvary; From the fall of the bride to the second coming of the groom. From asking Ahab to take by force someone’s land to leading two sons to meet Jesus concern two sitting positions. From bringing down the strongest man to praising before a king, the weakest man which brought enmity. From giving a ran away Moses water to drink as a sign of life, to giving a ran away army commander Sisera, milk to drink as a sign of death. From singing with palm branches “hosanna to the king” to screaming “crucify him”. From convincing Jesus to make wine to convincing Pilate that Jesus was an innocent man. From breaking of the alabaster box to prepare him for his death, to the running back from the tomb of Jesus to tell his disciples that HE RISEN.

In the end one man transferred his assets from one woman (wife) to another (mother); the issue then is , where were the men in his life? Though it’s ‘hakimic’, I wouldn’t like to digress.

Indeed the influence of women in this cosmos is so serious, strategic and undeniable. Our only way out is to deal with them with knowledge and wisdom; only then will we know peace.


1 Comment

  • Women know themselves as the weaker vessels. To get the chance to rule over the stronger vessel, you always use the humble approach and care to get what they want. They tactically weave their way into your hearts and make you do things you don’t want to do. No wonder Apostle Paul told us to be submissive because he knew that was the only craft to use into getting into the inner heart of a man. Perhaps all the men in his life thought they were too big to offer him love and care hence his mother used the motherly love opportunity to her success. look at Samson, the wife offered him the love and care, look at the women with the alabaster box, she offered her care and love to Jesus hence her name is mentioned everywhere the gospel is being preached. rehab used the care approach to save her household. Ruth used love and care to have herself mentioned a grandmother to the Saviour. Solomon perhaps got lost in the pool of women because of the care and love he was getting and the list goes on and on. Any women that use the “SUBMISSIVE SYNDROME” gets what she wants despite being the weaker vessel and that is where the enormous strength of the weaker vessel lies. Thats the true meaning of “use what you have to get what you want”. What we have is submissiveness

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