A Letter To My Car Owner – Your 19 Year Old Daughter Amazes Me

This article was published here: www.modernghana.com

Dear Sir,

I am sorry I have to use this means to talk to you though I make my sales everyday in your house. Sometimes the ability to talk face to face is not a gift God gave us. I wish you understand and pardon my grammatical errors since my education level is like that of your kids.

I have notice with a lot of disbelief the awkward way you look at me recently. I hope it’s not because you heard a gossip I am getting a new taxi. I am sorry to disappoint you boss because there is no iota of truth in that. May be it’s because of the way I look at your 19 year old daughter. She has never ceased to amaze me ever since she was 14years, I when I first met you picking her from school. She was so decent and cute until I saw her went to that university called Legon. Don’t know if that is the real name of the school but all I know is university of Legon.

Sometimes I am not sure blaming a 49 year old man for sleeping with a 19 year old is an ideal thing considering what has been happening these days. Indecent dressing is the cause of many sexual harassment and assault cases in recent times. Nowadays, I hate picking these ‘fianga’ girls in the front of my taxi. In fact, I nearly had an accident looking at the thighs of these apuskeleke girls. The other time i nearly changed into a wrong gear on the motorway. Because my hands were getting some feelings and ‘pulling some current’ anytime I change a gear you know what I mean.

You don’t know how embarrassing it is when you unintentionally look at lady’s buttocks as she tries to get out of my taxi. It is not a nice scene to behold especially days when am fasting and in the spirit. I am not sure our ladies of today are cautious of the way they look in public. Neither do they even know that the way you look leaves a long lasting impression in the heart of people either positively or negatively. It is said that your dressing can show if you are a marriageable material or not.

I wish you advice your daughter that decency in dressing is key to attracting the right kind of persons to you. Most ladies now walk on the street almost naked showing their cleavages and parts of the bodies are that are suppose to be sacred.

I remember picking two ladies from the Okponglo junction one evening to Osu. Their conversations pointed out to the fact that they were going to devour their prey that night. I felt so sorry for those men they were going to consume their hard earned money in this tight economic situation in Ghana. What provoked me was their dressing in fact, these ladies had dress like they had something else to sell on their bodies.

What is hurting most is when you wake up on Sunday morning; these girls flood the streets of with their half naked dresses all in the name of going to church. Now the house of God is has been turn into a den of nudity. Woe unto you who become a stumbling block for me at church. A lot of pastors and male congregants lose focus during worship service as they are flanked left, right centre with exposed thighs and breast. May God have mercy upon Mercy Oppong.

I want to bring your attention to a debate that arose in my taxi this afternoon. This nice looking gentleman bought a biscuits and decided to throw the wrapper away through the window. The lady sitting by rebuked him and asked him to put it in the car. But another gentleman said he should carry it till he sees a waste bin because leaving it in the taxi will end up on the ground at the station littering the whole place as usual. The argument went on and on until I came to the conclusion that I need to get a litter bin in my taxi and advice other taxi and especially trotro drivers get litter bins in their vehicles and make sure they empty into a dustbin at the lorry stations.

It’s unfortunate that the city authorities are not doing much to get enough bins in every corner of the city. We don’t want the case were you have to drink water and after keep the empty sachet in your pocket walking in anticipation of meeting a bin but finding none.

The embarrassing thing is that just this past holiday I decided to take my lovely lady to the beach and to my dismay and she came out with wet clothes, kenkey leafs, plastic bag, sachets and other nasty around her legs.

I know the institution of the national sanitation day is a step in the right direction in helping in many ways to curb the sanitation menace in Ghana. I tell you the truth, not going to work on a Saturday morning is a painstaking effort I do every first Saturday of the month. But I am really worried to see my effort of de-silting gutters becoming waste after a few hours because there are no waste bins to put in the rubbish and everything ends up getting back into the drains.

I have tried in every little way not to offend you with the content of this letter. If you find it favourable I would in subsequent weeks try and write to you again about how hard am trying to make my sales these days so that you can appreciate how Dumsor has affected Taxi business. Thank you


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