A letter to my car owner – I am on heat

This article was published here: www.ghanaweb.com

Dear Sir,
I have taken cognizance of your numerous comments you gave in my first letter. That I should be brief, precise and avoid beating around the bush when I write a letter to you. But I still thank you for the applause you gave me. Not forgetting your numerous friends who also called to appreciate the letter. I don’t know why you chose to show such a confidential letter to your friends. I know I am not the only Taxi Driver who writes letters to His car owner.

The taxi business has been difficult these days especially at night. Yes, inflation has also affected the industry. My daily sales has dropped significantly don’t know if it’s because of Dumsor or just people not interested picking taxis when there is no light at night.

I have noticed with sadness the impudence at which young people insult adults in this country for no reason. It is not in our culture to disrespect our elders and
I want you to inform your friends especially the politicians that we are a bunch of people with good morals.

Let them know that insults is not part of our culture especially insults directed towards leaders of this country. The politics in our country has now been turned into a gallery of insults. Let them know that you can send your message across without insulting or making a derogating statement.

Our radio and television stations are flooded with insults anytime there is a call in segment during programmes. Can’t we for once stop making statements without maligning our elders. Ghana is worldly known for its high moral standards but we can sit on air, make derogatory statements and at the end of the day say we are ‘On Heat’; the online and social media being the worst culprits.

The other time I was driving behind you and met you at the junction. I saw how helplessly you were insulted by a young man capable of being your son for careless driving. I pretended I hadn’t seen you. I know this is an everyday occurrence on our roads. Indiscipline and insults is all over.

It was the same thing that happened to my church member. Who was about insulting a fellow motorist but was smart enough to change his “Kwasia” to “Kwastor” when he realized it was his pastor.

Please don’t be angry with these children if they go wayward by insulting them back because an eye for an eye will only make the world go blind.

Elvis Danso




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